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H-CUP 2024 effect: a wave of enthusiasm, inclusivity, and team spirit Leggi di più
2 May 2024
The days of April 9th and 16th transformed the H-FARM Campus into a vast playground: the H-CUP 2024…
Discovering Spain in Salamanca! Leggi di più
2 May 2024
Who says you can’t learn Spanish, savor paella, and step back in time, all in one week? From …
Every day is Earth Day! Leggi di più
22 April 2024
For the school community, Earth Day is not just a date on the calendar but a momentous occasion fil…
Eco-School Project:  eco-sustainability, perseverance and awareness Leggi di più
21 March 2024
We are proud to present the Eco-School Project! It is an initiative born within H-FARM Internat…
Designing Taste: Exploring Ergonomics Through Edible Mouse Leggi di più
29 February 2024
Avete mai pensato di realizzare un mouse che si può mangiare? Nella nostra scuola ci ha pensato l’i…
H-Ski Trophy: a Shared Triumph! Leggi di più
27 February 2024
On your marks, get set…snow! Last Saturday, excitement filled the air as students and parents gathe…
  • H-ski
  • H-Ski Trophy
  • mountain
  • skiing
Exploring Academic Milestones: Inside the MYP Personal Project Leggi di più
16 February 2024
The time has come! This is one of the most important moments of the year for our school in Venice: …
Making learning fun: the power of play! Leggi di più
7 February 2024
Astronauts, pop stars, and fantastical creatures took over our school during the Global Play Day &#…
Safer Internet Week Leggi di più
7 February 2024
E se i pinguini potessero volare? E se sotto la nostra scuola si celasse un sotterraneo segreto? No…
Nurturing healthy habits: what do I bring for a snack? Leggi di più
7 February 2024
The captivating workshop – La merenda dei bambini – led by the insightful Nutrition Spe…
  • Food
  • H-FARM
  • Health
  • Vicenza
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