
How to enrol at H-FARM International School Vicenza

Benvenuti nella porta d’ingresso per H-FARM International School, un luogo dove i sogni e le ambizioni incontrano l’innovazione nell’education. La nostra scuola è un faro di conoscenza e opportunità, dove gli studenti vengono ispirati a sviluppare le loro abilità imprenditoriali, digitali e creative. Se siete pronti a fare parte di una comunità globale di pensatori visionari e innovatori, siete nel posto giusto.

Admission process


Book an informative meeting with the Admissions Office and visit the H-FARM Campus, or join us for one of our Open Days.


You will meet the Head of Programme for a brief talk. After passing the access test of MYP4, the interview will be scheduled.


After completing all the previous steps, fill out the online registration form. You are officially part of H-FARM International School!

When and how to enrol

Procedures & Requirements

Enrolments at H-FARM International School Vicenza are possible at any time throughout the year, provided there are spaces left in the relevant classes. From the first year of Early Years (Adventurers class) to the last year of Middle school ( MYP3), there is no entrance exam that may preclude the enrolment of the student. From MYP1 the student’s English level is tested to evaluate a need for the Language Support service. From the first year of High school ( MYP4 ) prospective students will sit an entrance test in English and Maths. The school’s staff is available to assist families with any bureaucratic and administrative procedures necessary for transfers and enrolments.

Discover Tuitions and Financing


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The Admissions Team

Marco De Rossi
Marco De Rossi
Head of Admissions
Giulia Cavoli
Giulia Cavoli
Admissions Specialist
Eleonora Marchio
Eleonora Marchio
Admissions Specialist
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