School Bus Service

All the bus lines available for the 2024-25 school year

Seleziona una linea
1. Green Line – Treviso Center
Treviso Mercato Ortofrutticolo
To school: 07:20
Back from school: 17:15
Treviso piazza Vittoria
To school: 07:30
Back from school: 17:10
Treviso San Lazzaro
To school: 07:36
Back from school: 17:05
Roncade via Roma
To school: 07:58
Back from school: 16:50
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
2. White Line – Treviso East
Treviso Railway Station
To school: 07:35
Back from school: 17:13
Treviso via Umberto Saba
To school: 07:43
Back from school: 17:10
Silea Sportler
To school: 07:53
Back from school: 17:00
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
3. Blue Line – Padova
Padova Autostazione
To school: 07:35
Back from school: 17:20
Padova Net Hotel
To school: 07:40
Back from school: 17:15
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
4. Pink Line – Martellago – Marcon – Quarto D’Altino
Mira – Oriago
To school: 07:10
Back from school: 17:35
Martellago via Boschi
To school: 07:25
Back from school: 17:25
Martellago Prix
To school: 07:30
Back from school: 17:15
Zelarino Bar Vica
To school: 07:40
Back from school: 17:10
Mestre Decathlon
To school: 07:48
Back from school: 17:05
Marcon Valecenter
To school: 07:55
Back from school: 16:55
Quarto D’Altino FS
To school: 08:10
Back from school: 16:45
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
5. Red Line – Venice
Venice Piazzale Roma
To school: 07:45
Back from school: 17:05
Venice via Orlanda
To school: 08:00
Back from school: 16:55
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
6. Orange Line – Mestre
Mestre railway station
To school: 07:45
Back from school: 17:10
Mestre Viale Ancona
To school: 07:48
Back from school: 17:05
Mestre Viale Sansovino
To school: 07.52
Back from school: 17:02
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
7. Teal Line – Oderzo – Fossalta di Piave
Oderzo Parcheggio COOP
To school: 07:35
Back from school: 17:15
Ponte di Piave fronte Comune
To school: 07:50
Back from school: 17:00
Fossalta di Piave
To school: 08:00
Back from school: 16:50
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
8. Purple Line – Conegliano – Treviso Nord
Conegliano Palasport Via Filzi
To school: 07:30
Back from school: 17:40
San Vendemiano via Liberazione
To school: 07:35
Back from school: 17:30
Treviso Nord Villorba
To school: 07:50
Back from school: 17:10
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35
9. Gold Line – Cavallino – Jesolo
Treporti Ca’ Savio
To school: 07:30
Back from school: 17:25
Cavallino Ca’ Savio Chiesa
To school: 07:35
Back from school: 17:20
Cavallino Banca Prealpi
To school: 07:40
Back from school: 17:15
Cavallino Ponte
To school: 07:45
Back from school: 17:10
Jesolo Lido via Monti
To school: 07:50
Back from school: 17:07
Jesolo Lido Stadio Picchi
To school: 07:55
Back from school: 17:00
Jesolo via Piave Vecchio
To school: 08:05
Back from school: 16:52
H-FARM International School
To school: 08:20
Back from school: 16:35

Early Bird Offer

Bus lines discounted until August 4th

(Treviso Center)

1.900 1.710 euro/passenger

(Treviso East)

1.900 1.710 euro/passenger


2.500 2.250 euro/passenger

(Mira – Martellago – Marcon – Quarto D’Altino)

2.400 2.160 euro/passenger – 500 450 euro/passenger from Quarto D’Altino railway station

(Conegliano-Treviso Nord)

2.950 2.650 euro/passenger – 1.900 1.710 euro/passenger from Treviso Nord

(Venezia P.le Roma)

2.500 2.250 euro/passenger


2.500 2.250 euro/passenger

(Cavallino-Jesolo Lido-Jesolo Paese)

2.400 2.160 euro/passenger from Cavallino/Jesolo Lido – 1.900 1.710 euro/passenger from Jesolo Paese

(Oderzo – Ponte di Piave – Fossalta di Piave)

2.800 2.520 euro/passenger from Oderzo/Ponte di Piave – 1.500 1.350 euro/passenger from Fossalta di Piave

Take advantage of the Early Bird discount on all bus lines, available for the first ten days after registration opens.
Don’t miss this exclusive offer, reserved for those who will promptly sign up, and secure a seat on the school bus for your child. After August 4th, the full price will be charged and please note that seats on the various lines are limited.

Registration opens July 26th and ends August 16th

July 26 – July 30
July 26 – July 30
Registration open for the 2023-24 students who used the service

Early Bird price!

July 31 – Aug 4
July 31 – Aug 4
Registration open for all

Early Bird price!

Aug 35- Aug 16
Aug 35- Aug 16
Registration open for all

full price

Scuola bus H-FARM H-IS
Scuola bus H-FARM H-IS
H-IS studenti all'interno dello scuolabus

School Bus Service 2024-25

EYU Registration

Long established and most popular bus routes are confirmed, ensuring solid and efficient service with our trusted providers, ATVO and Vianello. These partners share our values and dedication to providing a safe and enjoyable travel experience for every student.


For Early Years Unit families: to register your child for the school bus service, please contact the Student Office or call us at 0422789503.

An onboard assistant is required by law if a child below 6 years of age is on the bus. For this reason, registration for EYU students is not guaranteed on all lines and we will check with you to see if it is feasible to sign up your child.

Routes and Schedules

The specific routes are available in this document. You can check the exact location of the bus stops by clicking on the name and Google Maps will show the coordinates on the map.
These lines will be confirmed once a minimum number of subscriptions is reached depending on the line and some bus stops may not be activated due to lack of demand. The school bus service will start on September 3rd, 2024.


Payments and Discounts

As we did for the past years, a discount of 25% is applicable for one-way use of the bus service and for families with more than one child as follows: 10% discount for the 2nd sibling, 15% discount for the 3rd sibling onward.

The payment of this service is divided into 3 instalments: September 30th, 2024, November 30th, 2024, and March, 31st, 2025 or single payment (September 30th).

Registration, Bus App and Authorisations

At this link you can register for the school bus line of your choice by August 16th, 2024. Use of the School Bus Tracker App is required when signing up for the transportation service.

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