Early Years

Inspiring children’s curiosity

The Pre-Nursery and Nursery of Vicenza

The Early Years Unit corresponds to the Italian preschool and covers the first three years of the IB Primary Years Program.

Our preschool is organized into three sections which are homogeneous in terms of age to ensure the specificity of the pedagogic and didactic design of the three developmental stages. Moments of sharing between all sections are encouraged to foster the development of social sense, in order to educate children about diversity.

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H-IS students enjoy at school
H-IS Vicenza students have fun
Students play with blocks in class

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From 2 to 6 years old

Early Years Sections

Our sections are divided as follows:

  • Explorers and Adventurers (ages 2 to 4)
  • Navigators (ages 4 to 5)
  • Inventors (ages 5 to 6)

Great attention is given to the development of language skills of the children. Each class is indeed supervised by a native English-speaking teacher and a bilingual assistant. Children will consequently benefit from the cognitive advantages of bilingualism while being immersed in a multilingual and international environment at a crucial stage in the development of language-express.

Student in class at H-IS Vicenza
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Students of H-IS interact with each other in class

Reggio Emilia Approach inspired

Every child is unique

The teaching method used during these first three years is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach. We focus on the whole child as a unique individual who is able to learn independently by interacting with peers, teachers and parents. Through direct experimentation and dialogue, children are encouraged to find answers to their questions, in a space that is designed especially for them. Parents and families are encouraged to be an active part of their children’s progress and support them in their first steps towards learning, thanks to their continued involvement with the teachers.

The inquiry-based IB approach

Explore, Learn, Grow

The PYP curriculum is both concept and inquiry-based, with the class teacher – a mother tongue English speaker – developing students’ knowledge through six interdisciplinary themes or Units of Inquiry, in order to foster their communication, research, thinking, social and self-management skills, as well as numerous mindsets.

Listen to Miss Ward’s words and discover how the inquiry-based approach transforms the learning experience.


All our services


The children are welcomed in a familiar and serene environment where the uniqueness of each child is valued by the teachers.


Parents can choose to leave their child in school supervision from 8.00 am. The classroom teacher will take care of them until the start of the activities. We also offer after school club which finish at 5.00 pm.


Special attention is dedicated to our youngest students. In the Pre Nursery class the teacher/child ratio is 1:6 to ensure the best care and support for their growth.


Lunch and break time snacks are provided every day. The menù is designed by a nutritionist and prepared daily.


Every week our children take part in a psychomotor session led by an external specialist.


Art workshops, psychomotor, library, performing art and music. Everything you need to learn in a creative, experiential and interactive way.

Day schedule


Early arrival


Lessons begin


Lunch Break


Nap Time


Lessons end


Afterschools exit

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E se mio figlio non sa l’inglese?

Gli studenti del PYP che non conoscono l’inglese e/o l’italiano sono tenuti a partecipare ad un servizio di language support a pagamento durante i primi anni della scuola. Le sessioni, svolte da un insegnante appositamente formato per piccoli gruppi, aiutano gli studenti a sviluppare le loro capacità linguistiche consentendo loro di accedere al curriculum e partecipare pienamente all’apprendimento in classe. Tutti gli altri insegnanti sostengono ogni studente nello sviluppo della lingua fornendo un supporto specifico in classe ed esperienze di apprendimento differenziate. Questo supporto continuo sviluppa la fiducia dei bambini nelle loro capacità linguistiche e garantisce la loro inclusione attiva nell’apprendimento durante le lezioni.

E se poi vuole tornare alla scuola pubblica?

Alla fine della classe PYP5 (quinta elementare), H-FARM International School Treviso prepara tutti gli studenti per gli esami di quinta elementare nel sistema scolastico italiano, al fine di ottenere la licenza di scuola primaria.


“L’educazione è molto più che potere. È un’esperienza che dà potere. Sulle porte degli edifici di PYP, MYP e DP vedrete riferimenti all’esplorazione e alla scoperta, ed è proprio quello che fa la nostra scuola: vi apre mondi”
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