Diploma Programme

The way to world-class universities

The two-year Diploma Programme is the natural progression of the IB continuum and gives students access to top universities in Italy (through diploma recognition) and all over the world.

H-FARM students engage in class
DP student in class with a teacher at H-FARM
Student experiments with Virtual Reality at H-FARM
H-FARM students take part in class

A challenging two-year programme

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous, academically challenging and balanced two-year educational programme designed to prepare students aged 16 to 19 for success at university and life beyond.

The Programme is made up of 3 core elements (Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Activity and Service) and six subject groups. Three courses must be taken at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). Higher-level subjects require 240 class hours over two years while Standard-level subjects require 150 class hours over two years.

DP1-2 Courses

Students have the option to choose one subject from each of the 5 groups of the following subjects. Students should also choose either a subject from group 6 or a second subject from groups 2, 3, or 4.


• English Literature

• English Language and Literature

• Italian Literature

• Italian Language and Literature


• English B

• Italian B/Ab Initio

• Spanish B

• German B

• French B

*Additional languages may be activated upon request of at least 5 students


Business management


Global Politics





Computer Science
Design Technology

Environmental Systemsand Societies



Applications and interpretation
Analysis and approaches


Visual Arts


*Should students prefer not to take the Visual Arts course, they can choose an additional course in a language acquisition, individual and societies and sciences.

In addition, the Diploma Programme features 3 core elements


TOK is designed to provide an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, to reflect around the question “How do we know what we claim to know?”


The Extended Essay is an independent piece of research leading to a 4000-word paper, enabling students to acquire essential skills for university research and writing.


CAS enables students to enhance their personal development through experiential learning and to undertake new challenges inside or outside the school.

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Similar to other IB programs, the DP emphasizes the development of global citizenship, encouraging an appreciation for diverse cultures, languages, and global issues. It aims to cultivate well-rounded individuals with a broad understanding of the world.
Students study six subjects, choosing one subject from each of the following groups: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, and The Arts or an elective from Group 6. Three subjects are studied at a higher level (HL) and three at a standard level (SL).
Core Elements
In addition to the subjects, the following elements of the DP are also compulsory to complete the program: The Extended Essay is a 4,000-word research essay that
students must carry out independently and submit by the end of the program; the Theory of Knowledge (gnoseology) asks students to delve deeper into the nature of knowledge, how the human brain categorizes knowledge and how it is passed on to others; Creativity, Activity, Service activities give students the chance to develop their interpersonal skills through extracurricular experiences, thus creating an opportunity for personal fulfillment and achievement.
Approach to teaching & approach to learning
In the DP model, teaching and learning transcend conventional boundaries, emphasizing critical thinking, inquiry, and interdisciplinary connections. Educators act as facilitators, guiding students through thought-provoking discussions and fostering a deep understanding of subjects. The approach encourages students to analyze, synthesize, and apply knowledge in real-world contexts, nurturing their ability to explore diverse perspectives and global issues. With an emphasis on the development of international-mindedness and a holistic view of learning, the DP model equips students with the skills and mindset for success in higher education and beyond.
IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile in the Diploma Programme (DP) serves as a guiding framework, emphasizing the development of attributes and skills that aim to create well-rounded, principled, and internationally-minded individuals. These attributes include being inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective.



Lessons start


Snack Break


Lunch Break


Lessons End

Do you want to learn more about our subjects offer?

H-FARM students take part in class
E se poi vuole tornare alla scuola pubblica?

Alla fine della classe MYP3 (terza media), la nostra scuola offre a tutti gli studenti la possibilità di essere preparati per svolgere gli esami di terza media come candidati esterni, per ottenere la licenza di scuola secondaria di primo grado.
La scelta di affrontare gli esami nella scuola pubblica non è né obbligatoria né necessaria, dal momento che gli studenti otterranno un diploma equipollente a quello italiano se decideranno di finire il percorso all’interno dell’IB.

Dal 2016 al 2023, tutti gli studenti di H-FARM International School hanno superato l’esame, con un voto medio superiore alla media nazionale: 8,4 voto medio, contro lo 7,2.

E se non sa l’inglese?

Dall’anno MYP1 (6° grado-primo anno di scuola secondaria di primo grado/prima media) all’MYP3 è necessario sostenere un test d’ingresso per potersi iscrivere ad H-FARM International School.

Tuttavia gli studenti possono essere affiancati durante l’anno da un servizio aggiuntivo di language support.

Per saperne di più sui requisiti e sull’esame di ammissione, visita la nostra pagina Procedure e Requisiti.

Meet our Coordinator

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”
Sara Casagrande
DP Coordinator

Meet our students

Our slogan? Put the youth first. By experiencing issues firsthand, we are able to create and develop meaningful projects in support of our generation and our future. Adolescence is a time of great transformation, the age when more than ever, fair resources and opportunities must be distributed to enable every young person to develop their true potential.
Student, Venice
Getting an award on my first ever film is truly something that I’ve never even thought of. I’m also really grateful for the fantastic people that I got to meet there, that all shared my passion for film. But mostly I am thankful for my friends, that were the core part of turning this project into a reality.
Student, Venice
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