Middle Years Programme
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is the educational framework developed by the International Baccalaureate to provide a comprehensive and internationally recognized curriculum for students aged 11 to 16.
In the Italian education system, the MYP includes two distinct phases: MYP 1-3, which corresponds to the middle school years, and MYP 4-5, which corresponds to the first two years of high school.

The MYP 1-3 program (equivalent to the Italian middle school) at H-FARM International School consists of 40 weekly lessons.
In MYP 1-3, students follow various subjects, including Language and Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, Individuals and Societies, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design. The interdisciplinary approach of the MYP program encourages students to make connections between these subjects, promoting a deeper and more integrated understanding of their learning.
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MYP 4-5
The first two years of high school see the conclusion of the MYP through the delivery of MYP4 and MYP5. Whilst the core subjects remain the same there are differences to be seen and experienced with the option of additional subjects such as Business and Economics as well as a noticeable increase in academic depth. The MYP is concluded through the Personal Project in which students undertake a near year long project involving brainstorming, idea development, research and ultimately the creation of their idea.

MYP 4-5
In the final two years of the MYP, students and their families work with the school to evaluate subject choices for the following years, available study options, and university guidance opportunities.
MYP students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to succeed in the final years of secondary school (Diploma Programme) and beyond. The MYP’s focus on the approach to learning provides ideal preparation for the type of rigorous study that opens doors to university education.
MYP 4-5
40 lessons
6 lessons
6 lessons
4 lessons
2 lessons
2 lessons
2 lessons
3 lessons
3 lessons
4 lessons
2 lessons
1 lesson
2 lessons
Elective Subjects
One of the following subjects
3 lessons
3 lessons
In addition, the MYP emphasizes the development of conceptual understanding throughout the curriculum. This engages students in exploring key concepts that go beyond subject boundaries, enabling them to make connections and gain a deeper understanding of their learning.

Daily Schedule
Lessons start
Lunch Break
Lessons end
End of afterschool activities

For the Middle Years Programme 1-3, the optimal language requirement is an A2 level in both English and Italian, and a B1 level for the Middle Years Programme 4-5.
If the candidate’s level is just below the requirement, he/she will have to attend a Language Acquisition course to reach the required language proficiency. The Language Acquisition course is included in the school’s educational offer.
At the end of MYP3, H-IS offers all students the opportunity to take the national middle school exam as external candidates in an Italian public school in order to receive a first-grade secondary school certificate. This choice is neither mandatory nor necessary, since students will automatically receive the equivalent of the Italian diploma if they continue their IB curriculum and obtain the IB Diploma.
From 2016 to 2023, all H-FARM International School Vicenza students successfully passed the exam, with an average grade above the national average grade of 8 compared to the national of 7,2.
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Scopri le procedure e i requisiti
Holodeck è un laboratorio virtuale che può essere utilizzato dagli insegnanti per qualsiasi disciplina, prende il nome dal “ponte degli ologrammi” di Star Trek ed è stato realizzato da BigRock.
L’unicità di Holodeck è la possibilità di interagire con gli altri compagni di classe – finoa 20 – e con il professore: gli studenti infatti possono “vedersi” tra di loro e percepirsiall’interno dello spazio, oltre a poter utilizzare le loro mani per afferrare oggettivirtuali, muoverli e compiere azioni come se si aprisse davanti loro un menu del computer. Un’interazione virtuale più che mai preziosa per i ragazzi, che possono cosìincontrarsi, seppure virtualmente

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