
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper massa in est dignissim efficitur eu non sapien. Suspendisse rhoncus nisi mi, in eleifend dui vestibulum eget. Aliquam ut fermentum tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus dolor orci, maximus eget ultricies non, consectetur sed sem. Aenean feugiat in nisi id tincidunt. Proin semper lorem at vulputate eleifend. In at erat massa.
Admission Process
Contact our Admission Office
Request an informative meeting and school visit with the Admissions Office. Otherwise, join us for one of our Open Days.
Request Admission, and submit required documents.
Register online through our platform filling in the required fields.
Come and visit us!
Procedures & Requirements
When and How to Enrol
It is always possible to enroll in H-FARM International School Rosà throughout the school year, depending on the places available in each class.
To enrol in Lower Secondary 1-3 courses, students must demonstrate a proficiency in English to ensure that they can correctly understand the concepts presented in class. Indicatively, A2 English level is required for Lower Secondary 1- 2 (First and Second grade) and B1 for Lower Secondary 3 (Third Grade). In the event that the evaluation results are just below the passing level, the Language Support service will be compulsorily activated, for a fee, through a course available inside or outside school hours, until the required level is reached.
Discover Tuitions and Financing
Grade Placement
H-FARM International School places students in the appropriate class according to their year of birth. Only in extraordinary circumstances and after a careful assessment of a student’s past reports, the school may consider placing the student in a different class (a grade above or below).
Language Assessment
Starting with class Primary 1 (first grade) through Primary 5 (fifth grade), if the child is not a native English speaker or does not come from a bilingual background or school, the LANGUAGE SUPPORT service will be activated for a fee. During school, children who need to develop their English language skills will be engaged in a separate language development course, until they reach a level that allows them to independently access the curriculum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper massa in est dignissim efficitur eu non sapien. Suspendisse rhoncus nisi mi, in eleifend dui vestibulum eget. Aliquam ut fermentum tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus dolor orci, maximus eget ultricies non, consectetur sed sem. Aenean feugiat in nisi id tincidunt. Proin semper lorem at vulputate eleifend. In at erat massa.
The Admissions Team