Technology and AI in the class: an evolution or distraction for my child?

Technology and AI in the class: an evolution or distraction for my child?
MATTOROSSO, Via Piave, 108, 31044 Montebelluna TV

Technology has always existed inside schools and has always been linked to the evolution of society, from blackboard to pen, to tablet.

How to deal with such rapidly evolving technology today?

Attend the first Tech Teen Talk in Montebelluna hosted by H-FARM International School.

You will have the opportunity to find out more about H-FARM International School Rosà!


18.00 – 18.45 : Speakers’ address

18.45 – 19.30 : Q&A

19.30 – 20.00 : Aperitif


Mauro Bordignon

Head of Academics & Pedagogical Innovation @ H-FARM International School

Ruggero Cortese

Digital Learning Coach @ H-FARM International School Rosà

*The event will be held in Italian language

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