Making learning fun: the power of play!

Making learning fun: the power of play!

Astronauts, pop stars, and fantastical creatures took over our school during the Global Play Day – an annual event celebrating play as an essential element of childhood. Simultaneously, we introduced Crazy Dress Day to amplify the fun, encouraging our students to dress in the most extravagant way imaginable! 

The event provided an opportunity to share special moments with peers and teachers, engaging in original creations with glitter and glue, abstract paintings, and imaginative games. This special day perfectly aligns with our commitment to a dynamic environment where play takes center stage, guiding our students towards their cognitive growth alongside the development of their social and emotional skills.

We believe that the Learn Through Play approach supports students in exploring, creating, and learning at their own pace. Why is play important in children’s education? Through playful learning and peer relationships with teachers, our students learn to collaborate, negotiate rules and relationships, imagine, and create. They learn to find and solve problems, think flexibly and critically, communicate effectively, lead their own learning, explore the unknown, and find joy in school.

Learning through play not only facilitates the acquisition of fundamental concepts and skills but also encourages collaboration, problem-solving, and navigating uncertainty. Placing play at the forefront as an instructional strategy is rooted in its capacity to inspire exploration, critical thinking, and adaptability, equipping students with the necessary tools to confront the intricate challenges of our era, both locally and globally.

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