Every day is Earth Day!

Every day is Earth Day!

For the school community, Earth Day is not just a date on the calendar but a momentous occasion filled with dedication and passion for environmental conservation. Students embarked on a journey of learning and empowerment, beginning with captivating PYP Earth-themed storytime sessions that transported them into the beauty and importance of our planet.

Every year we celebrate Earth Day so that every member of our community – students, teachers, and staff – can embark on an engaging journey of learning and empowerment. We kicked off the day with stimulating reading sessions focused on Earth for our young students, while older students had the privilege of listening to eight expert speakers who delivered compelling lectures on the importance of respecting and preserving our planet.

Following these enlightening conversations, students embraced a variety of impactful activities. From pouring their feelings into heartfelt letters dedicated to our planet to unleashing their creativity through video-making and slide presentations centred around sustainability. Every moment showcased the school’s unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship.

Despite facing challenges posed by inclement weather, the school remained steadfast in its mission. While some afternoon Earth Day activities have been rescheduled, the determination to make a positive difference in the world remains stronger than ever.

As the school community reflects on the events of the day, we want to remind everybody that every day is Earth Day. The call to work together to nurture and protect our precious planet echoes throughout the campus lives on the actions of students and staff for generations to come.

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