Chiesi Hack 4 Breath

A hackathon to improve the lives of patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

"Chiesi Hack 4 Breath" is an idea marathon launched by Chiesi Italia, the Italian branch of the Chiesi Group, which has always been committed to guaranteeing innovative therapeutic solutions to improve the lives of people suffering from respiratory diseases. The goal is to investigate the needs of patients and doctors and identify the most effective solutions.

The hackathon is addressed to students, recent graduates, and young professionals with profiles related to service design, marketing, management engineering, healthcare, and technology. Applications are open until 13 April 2022.

The event will take place on 29-30 April on our Campus. The participants, divided into teams and supported by pulmonologists, will work on various challenges related to improving the diagnostic-therapeutic approach of respiratory diseases and the role of technology in supporting patients and doctors. The best project will win a prize worth a total of €4,500.