Rethink Festival

We are partner of the first Italian festival dedicated to service design, that will take place in Milan on April 10-11, 2019.

On April 10-11, 2019, on the occasion of the Milano Design Week, Rethink! Festival will gather 20 international guests to share ideas, experiences, best practices and projects that are changing the world.

The theme of the festival is What services are good for. Better services for better futures. The era we live in is marked by significant changes on a planetary scale, generated by the impact of the transformation processes produced by humanity. Some major challenges regarding digitization and automation processes, energy production, climate change and healthcare are changing the way governments, institutions, businesses and citizens face these challenges. Challenges that the culture of service design must consider, by building a new imaginary for this large-scale change.

The events on April 10 will take place in the Buzzati room at Corriere della Serra and are free and open to all. Register here.  
In particular, we will give a speech on April 10 at 4:20pm about how service design can guide the transformation of organizations.

The events on April 11 are invite-only.