Thinkinside raises €1 million in funding

The startup, part of our portfolio, transforms indoor spaces into smart environments.

The investors are Add Value, a company investing in small and medium enterprises in the growth phase, and Fondo Rilancio Startup of CDP Venture Capital Sgr.

Thinkinside has specialised in bridging the gap between physical and digital environments, using indoor positioning data of assets and people. By knowing where assets and people are located indoors, it creates a digital representation of the space and provides location-based services for different domains, including retail, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Established in 2015 and accelerated by us in 2017, the company relies on many partners and important customers both in Italy and abroad (US, Canada, UK, Austria, France, and Australia). Funds will be used to accelerate growth, working especially on team expansion, technical developments, and internationalisation support.

Given the promising outlook of the location-based services market and the growing interest of clients, partners, prospects and stakeholders, the company aims at becoming the reference solution provider for location intelligence services.