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Graduation Day(s) 2024 Leggi di più
3 June 2024
May 23rd and 24th 2024 were memorable days for H-FARM International School, marked by the Graduatio…
PYP Exhibition 2024: a lifelong learning journey Leggi di più
31 May 2024
On May 23rd and 24th 2024, H-FARM International School proudly hosted the PYP Exhibition, a pinnacl…
CIS membership for H-FARM International School Leggi di più
29 May 2024
H-FARM International School is proud to announce its new membership with the Council of Internation…
We are the Champions! Leggi di più
21 May 2024
H-FARM International School Rosà ce l’ha fatta di nuovo! Siamo entusiasti di annunciare i ris…
Transformative Workshop Leggi di più
20 May 2024
By Federico Gerhardinger, LS Arts Teacher e Digital Learning Coach During the school year H-FARM…
Across the frontiers of digital transformation: the sixth edition of FutureShots at H-FARM Campus Leggi di più
15 May 2024
The H-FARM Campus last week played host to an electrifying three-day festival, the sixth edition of…
Playful Learning Leggi di più
10 May 2024
Written by Jane Andrews, Head of PYP and PYP Principal At H-FARM International School Venice, ed…
  • International School
  • primary
  • pyp
H-TIMES: between human identity and digital writing, the internationally inspired project created by students for students Leggi di più
7 May 2024
A major project has landed at school: H-TIMES. What is it? It is a genuine blog created by students…
The team from H-FARM International School triumphs at the second edition of “A Challenge with Words” Leggi di più
3 May 2024
The literary competition “Una Challenge a Suon di Parole” reached new heights in its se…
H-CUP 2024 effect: a wave of enthusiasm, inclusivity, and team spirit Leggi di più
2 May 2024
The days of April 9th and 16th transformed the H-FARM Campus into a vast playground: the H-CUP 2024…
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