Primary School

Curiosity, passion and discovery

A central element of the PYP philosophy is the commitment to learning through inquiry and structured research.

H-IS student enjoys class at Vicenza
Student engages in class at H-IS Vicenza
H-IS students play in class
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In detail
Students do their classwork at H-IS Vicenza

Everyone can be imaginative, creative, pioneering

The Primary Years curriculum focuses on the social, physical, emotional and cultural growth of the child, as well as positive educational progress.The classroom teachers are all native English speakers who are trained in the PYP programme. A central element of the PYP philosophy is the commitment to learning through structured research.

How does the PYP works?

The PYP curriculum is both concept and inquiry-based, with the class teacher – a mother tongue English speaker – developing students’ knowledge through six interdisciplinary themes, in order to foster their communication, research, thinking, social and self-management skills, as well as numerous mindsets.

H-IS student participates in class

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The PYP aims to develop global citizens who appreciate and understand diverse cultures, perspectives, and global issues. It promotes open-mindedness, empathy, and respect for others.
Transdisciplinary themes
The PYP encourages a transdisciplinary approach in which subjects are not taught in isolation but integrated around themes or units. This approach allows students to create connections between different areas of study, emphasizing the interconnectedness of knowledge.
Through the 6 transdisciplinary themes, subjects such as languages, mathematics, sciences, social studies, art, and physical education are studied and deepened through connections.
Agency, action, exhibition
The PYP not only emphasizes learning but also action based on that learning. It encourages students to put into practice what they have learned to make a positive difference in their communities. Reflection is equally crucial, as it allows students to evaluate their learning process and understand how they can improve or apply their knowledge in different contexts.
Approach to teaching & approach to learning
The PYP approach to the teaching and learning process is based on key principles that promote a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to education. Instead of focusing solely on traditional disciplinary content, the PYP emphasizes the development of students’ cognitive, social, and emotional skills.
IB Learner Profile
The development of the 10 qualities of the learner profile is a central element of the PYP program. The entire school community plays an important role in developing, valuing, appreciating, and monitoring the student’s 360-degree growth.
Day Schedule

Early arrival


Lessons start


Morning break


Lunch break


Lessons end


Late exit

Student focuses on his task in class at H-IS Vicenza
Lo studente si concentra sul suo compito in classe presso H-IS Vicenza

I servizi della Primary School


L’igiene e la salubrità degli ambienti scolastici sono al primo posto tra le nostre priorità. Per questa ragione nel nostro Campus è stato installato un sistema di ricircolo dell’aria che permette di ricambiare l’aria in circolo senza dover aprire le finestre regolando il livello dell’umidità presente negli ambienti.


I genitori possono portare i bambini a partire dalle 7.45 del mattino. Una collaboratrice scolastica si prenderà cura di loro fino all’inizio delle lezioni. Offriamo anche la possibilità di svolgere dei doposcuola, come club creativi e piscina, con uscita alle ore 18.


Offriamo uno Schoolbus Service (non incluso nella Tuition Fee) con assistenza per i più piccoli, in partenza da Venezia / Mestre e Treviso.


Il pasto completo e la merenda sono compresi nelle rette. Il menù è strutturato da una dietologa secondo i fabbisogni e i nutrienti necessari alla crescita e cucinato sul posto da una cuoca.


Secondo il WWF, il contatto con la Natura influisce direttamente sullo sviluppo cerebrale ed emotivo dei bambini in maniera positiva. Crescere nella Natura stimola anche la Socialità, favorendo l’interazione tra pari, l’autonomia, contenendo lo stress e migliorando l’autostima.


Atelier artistici, Italian room, design lab e performing art. Tutto quello che serve per apprendere in modo creativo, esperienziale e interattivo.

What if my child does not speak English/Italian?

Starting in PYP1 (first grade) through PYP5 (fifth grade), if children are not native English/Italian speakers or do not come from a bilingual background or school, THE LANGUAGE SUPPORT service will be activated for a fee. During school, children who need to develop their English language skills will be engaged in separate targeted English language lessons until they reach a level that allows them to independently access the curriculum. Language support is provided by specialist teachers as well as the class teacher. This targeted intervention is necessary for students to be able to understand the content of lessons, attend class without feeling excluded or uncomfortable, and to be able to interact with their international peers.

What if my child wants to return to an Italian state school?

At the end of the Primary 5 class, H-FARM International School Vicenza prepares students for the 5th-grade exams in the Italian school system, in order to obtain the primary school certificate. Since its founding, 100% of H-FARM International School students have achieved the primary school certificate.

Incontra l’Head of Programme

“Il PYP permette ai nostri studenti di crescere felicemente mentre imparano attraverso esperienze stimolanti progettate per aiutarli a sviluppare la loro creatività, la loro identità e la loro responsabilità verso gli altri e il mondo.”
Jane Andrews
Head of PYP
H-IS student at an event in H-FARM H-IS student at an event in H-FARM
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